Which business can I start
Which business can I start? Most women know from quite an early stage that they would like to run their own business one day and even what sort of business they will run (whether it starts as a hobby that can be developed into a business or they have a particular set of skills or knowledge that can be monetised and sold as a service).
A lifelong dream
The common thread is that they have usually had an idea for a while or held a lifelong dream about owning and running their own business. They are just waiting for that pivotal moment when they instinctively know to ‘go for it’.
However, occasionally circumstances can dictate the need to start a business out of the blue! Maybe redundancy is on the cards or the need to stop being a ‘stay at home’ mum and now to start to contribute to the household finances, but there is a strong need for flexible working from home whilst the children are still young.
A situation beyond your control
If you find yourself thrown into a life situation beyond your control, then consider starting a business to give you the lifestyle or job security that you want or the money you need to earn.
Finding the right solution
Many employees are losing their jobs due to COVID-19 and the prospect of finding a new one in such a saturated market place is looking grim. You can create your own ‘job’ by starting a business. It is not a cheap process (to do it properly and give it the best possible chance of success). I can take a lot of thinking about until you settle of the right idea and feel comfortable that you can create something that people want or need.
What is you passion?
Sit down and start to think about either the things that excite you (food, fitness, health, beauty, animals) or look at the skills you already have in your current job such as administrative, finance, marketing, social media, design etc and think about how you can use these to create a small business. Look online to see what type of businesses are already out there utilising these same key skills and how these business owners present themselves online.
How will you stand out?
Research the market size for what you’d like to offer and decide it will it be a niche business (a business that not many people are offering is not a bad thing at all to consider as there is less competition), however you may need to educate others to understand it to get them to buy from you. If what you choose is a popular product or service then think about where and how you will fit in the market place and what will make you stand out and become different to all the others?
Remember the saying, when one door closes another opens, but sometimes you have to build that doorway and create a new opportunity for yourself!